
Saturday, 21 April 2012

Biohazard v2.00 Beta 3b (Zombie Mod) Download For Free

Biohazard is a server side modification for Counter-Strike. The gameplay is a classic
zombie outbreak scenario. Each round random players are infected with a "contagious virus"
and must infect the others in order to multiply. Round is won by eliminating the opposing
force. The Survivors however, have a secondary objective, that is to survive.

This is not a rewrite of the original Zombie Mod by apophis but rather a remake. Due to
the lack of a "working" public version (at the time) and requested by many users, I've
decided to create my own from scratch. It was originally named it Zombie-Strike, until I
found out that it was already taken. Thus, was renamed to Biohazard.

(I decided to move back to Canada. It's going to take a while when im able to code

It has the following features:

* Fully customizable zombie class system
* Plugin API to expand the mod functionality
* Varieties of custom sounds and models
* Unlocks the HL fog system
* Custom knockback system
* Custom Pain Shock Free system
* Shootable objects
* And many more...

SoccerJam v2.07a

Soccer Jam consists of 2 teams battling it out to be the first to score 15 goals. When you enter a server, you begin with zero upgrades. You gain experience through different efforts to upgrade your character into a stronger, better, Soccer player. You can knife your opponents dead, score a goal from incredible distances, steal the ball, assist teamates for goals, or be a goaly, and gain yourself the experience to advance your character.

Controls are incredibly easy to learn. All keys used are default half-life keys. When in-game, type /help and read the simple help display to learn the entire game!

Download the Plugins soccerjam.amxx and faketeambot.amxx. Open up your plugins.ini and add soccerjam.amxx and faketeambot.amxx at the bottom.

Enable the correct modules. Fun , Fakemeta , Engine , Cstrike

Next download the SoccerJamFiles.zip and unzip it's contents to your server cstrike folder. It contains the standard soccerjam.bsp map, ball model, and game sounds.

Finally, download the soccerjam.txt and soccerjam_help.txt and add them to amxmodx\data\lang , to enable the multilingual support.

Start the server and your ready.

Monday, 16 April 2012

c0unTeR stRikE finAl diGitAlz0ne

Counter Strike Final Digitalzone